Master Fees


The Master fees are: 

For European Union and non-European Union students, participation costs may come to 750 Euros/month during the period of study.

Remind that for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders this cost is covered by the scholarship. That cost could be also covered by the EMIMEP consortium for some self-funded students.

Master fees include:

– Full-time registration for the dedicated master degree

– Health insurance covering

– access to university facilities

– support from the student services of the university

– use of the library

– use of the information technology infrastructure

– Social events during the integration week

– Participation in the Research and Industrial Week in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 

– Participation in the European Microwave Week

– Attendance in the EMIMEP Summer School

The participation fee does not include accommodation, food, international travel, travel on-site, etc. 

Self-funded students

Students without an Erasmus Mundus Student scholarship are eligible to participate in the EMIMEP Master course.

The Master fees are the same for both categories of students (Erasmus Mundus scholarship and self-funded students). However, the EMIMEP Consortium decided to award some self-funded students with fee waivers so that they full registration for the two academic years. All the student pathways are eligible. The EMIMEP consortium could also decide to provide students with other scholarships.