Labs « DC and Pulse IV S-Parameters Measurements using TRL de-embedding calibration Method » by Dr. Arnaud Delias and Eng. Maxime Faure (AMCAD Engineering)

Dr. Arnaud Delias and Eng. Maxime Faure (AMCAD Engineering, France) delivered two labs for the Edition 2 students on Wednesday 15 January and Thursday 16 January 2025  at the University of Limoges entitled « DC and Pulse IV S-Parameters Measurements using TRL de-embedding calibration Method ».


Arnaud Delias was born in Angoulême, France, in 1987. He received the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from University of Limoges, Limoges, France and Ph.D. degree in electronics from the University of Limoges, Limoges, France, in 2015. Since 2016, he has been with AMCAD Engineering, Limoges, where he became specialist in characterization of RF and microwave nonlinear components and devices.

Maxime Faure was born in Limoges, France, in 1994. He received the M.S. degree in Architecture of Networks and Technologies Driven by Communications Circuits from the University of Limoges, France in 2022. Since 2015, he has been with AMCAD Engineering, Limoges, where he became specialist in characterization of RF and microwave nonlinear components and devices.


Abstract. The goal of this PW is to work with IVCAD AMCAD software dedicated for transistor characterization. In this PW, the fundamental knowledge will be acquired to measure transistor IV network and S-parameters in DC and Pulsed mode. In second hand, Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration method will be used to extract the de-embedded S-parameters.

  • VNA calibration will be performed using TOSM calibration
  • TRL calibration kit measurement will be performed to extract input and output fixtures of the demo-board lines
  • The measurement of the static DC I/V characteristics of the packaged transistor will be compare with the same characteristics given in the data sheet. From these first measurements an analysis of the RDSon will be done.
  • An extraction of the parasitic resistance will be done to correct the final static DC I/V characteristics and compute the true RDSon.
  • DC I/V and S-parameters characteristics of the packaged transistor including demoboard lines will be measured to compare with the characteristics given in the data sheet.
  • New DC I/V and S-parameters characteristics of the packaged transistor de-embedded will be measured to compare with the characteristics given in the data sheet.
  • Introduction of the Pulsed IV characterisation, including setup, parasitic inductance and capacitance, pulse width, duty cycle effects
  • Conclusion on the thermal effect impact on a transistor.