The scholars are involved in all EMIMEP’s editions
Even if EMIMEP does not have any requirement about the number of scholars, we will continue to invite a minimum of 4 scholars per edition. They give seminars on the courses offered across the four partner universities. The seminar series are in support of the S1-S2 programme, by linking directly the basic concepts to industrial or research applications. Students learn the important consequences and outcomes brought by today’s major findings and are directly related to the programme proposed in S1-S2. The seminar series also support the S3-S4 academic programme. The students are also allowed to attend these events in real-time streaming (webinars) to follow the same events when they are located in different geographical sites.
The involvement of scholars takes part in the EMIMEP Research & Industrial week and play a relevant role all along in the master programme.
The scholars as an added value for the students
Scholars bring with them new and original expertise about analogue electronics and photonics that complements the expertise already available in the Consortium. Their research‘s approach, knowledge about the links between research and professional activities, and networks is illuminating for students and staff alike. The scholars are selected from a range of scientist-practitioners who we consider exemplary for EMIMEP.
The scholars as an asset to enhance the collaboration between partner’s institutions
The scholars are recruited from associated partners with whom the Consortium has already established links but they are also selected from those professionals who have the necessary expertise and the teaching and research capabilities. A selected board of teachers of the consortium is in charge of selecting the candidatures of scholars. In addition, we aim to invite at least one visiting scholar per semester, to be involved in on-going research, lectures, seminars, student group activities, and so forth.
Find out how to apply
The applicants can apply by filling out the Application Form. Then, all the requested files should be sent to .
Once the Secretariat receives the completed application form, the sender will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email.
Seminars and workshops delivered in EMIMEP

Guided Tour of the Xlim Research Institute
The students from the first EMIMEP acaedmic year visited the [...]
Labs « DC and Pulse IV S-Parameters Measurements using TRL de-embedding calibration Method » by Dr. Arnaud Delias and Eng. Maxime Faure (AMCAD Engineering)
Dr. Arnaud Delias and Eng. Maxime Faure (AMCAD Engineering, [...]
Seminar « Addressing Gender-Based and Sexual Violence : Legal Frameworks and Institutional Resources » by Laura Pereira-Diogo (OBVSS)
Laura Pereira-Diogo (Observatoire des Violences Sexuelles et [...]
Seminar « An Overview of the photonics industry » by Dr. Sébastien Vergnole (Alphanov)
Dr. Sébastien Vergnole (Alphanov, France) delivered a seminar on [...]
Seminar « Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber : going from the lab to the industry » by Dr. F. Gérôme & Dr Devang Naik (GLOphotonics)
Dr. Frédéric Gérôme and Dr. Devang Naik (Glophotonics, France) [...]
Dr. Dominique PAGNOUX (CNRS) taught a series of lectures on guided light waves
In the frame of the Edition 2 – first semester, Dr. Dominique [...]
Dr. Aurélien Périgaud (Xlim-CNRS) taught a series of labs in computer-aided design (CAD)
In the frame of the Edition 2 – first semester at the University [...]
Seminar « RFWild´s design flow, design examples and perspectives » by Prof. Atonio Souza (Federal University of Paraíba)
Prof. Antonio Souza (Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil) [...]
Xlim Forum on Thursday 24 October 2024
The students from the first academic year (Edition 2) and from [...]
Seminar « Reconfigurable Wireless Components using the Field-Programmable Microwave Substrate (FPMS) » by Prof. Langis (Ontario Tech University)
Prof. Langis Roy (Ontario Tech University, Canada) delivered a [...]
Seminar « Nonlinear generation of structured light with metasurfaces and thin films » by Prof. Giuseppe Leo (CNRS)
Prof. Giuseppe Leo (Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes [...]
Seminar « How to move your first steps in the job market » by Sara Gigliotti , Alice Antico & Livia Larocci (Haier Europe)
“How to move your first step into the job market” was the title [...]
Seminar « Introduction to ASML EUV lithography » by Lylia Kamelia Gheribes (ASML)
Eng. Lylia Kamelia Gheribes (ASML, The Netherlands) delivered a [...]
Guided tour at the CSMT on Friday 07 June 2024
The students were invited to visit the CSMT Innovative [...]
R&I Week workshop « Designing your Entrepreneurial Journey » by Anca Constantinescu & Madalina-Alexandra Cotiu (UTCN)
Dr. Anca Constantinescu from the Technical University of [...]
R&I Week Seminar « Microwave Design in Space Application » by Fabrice Delahaye (Thales Alenia Space)
Dr. Fabrice Delahaye (Thales Alenia Space, France) held a seminar [...]
R&I Week Seminar « Economic Intelligence » by Philippe Eudeline (MRTC/NAE)
Dr Philippe Eudeline (MRTC & NAE, France) delivered a seminar [...]
Seminar « Microwave oven – an introduction » by Gabriele Manili (Haier Europe)
Dr. Gabriele Manili (Haier Europe, Italy) delivered a seminar at [...]
Seminar « Disorder as a resource for photonics » by Alfonso Nardi (ETH Zürich)
Dr. Alfonso Nardi (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) delivered a seminar [...]
Seminars « Fourier Modal Method (FMM) » & « Edge detection in space in time with nonlinear generation » by Olga Sergaeva (UNIBS)
DR. Olga Sergaeva, a researcher at the University of Brescia, [...]
Seminar « The Avenue of Plasmonics: From Cathedral Glasses to Ultrafast Nanophotonics » by Prof. Giuseppe Della Valle (Politecnico Milano)
Prof. Giuseppe Della Valle (Politecnico Milano, Italy) hdelivered [...]
Seminar « LASER: a Colorful World of Opportunities » by Andrea Marino (Coherent)
Dr. Andrea Marino (Coherent, The Netherlands-Italy) delivered a [...]
Seminar « EMIMEP, PhD, RESEARCH, LIFE… AND ALL THAT JAZZ » by Unai Arregui Leon (Politecnico Milano)
Unai Arregui Leon (Politecnico Milano, Italy) held a seminar at [...]
Seminar « Subradiant collective states in ordered arrays of quantum emitters » by Prof. Mihail Petrov
Prof. Mihail Petrov delivered a seminar at the University of [...]
Xlim Guided tour on Tuesday 16 January 2024
The students from the first EMIMEP acaedmic year visited the [...]
Seminar « Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber : going from the lab to the industry » by Dr. F. Gérôme & Dr Devang Naik (GLOphotonics)
Edition 1 – Semester 1. Dr Frédéric Gérôme and Dr Devang [...]
Labs « DC and Pulse IV S-Parameters Measurements using TRL de-embedding calibration Method » by A. Delias & M. Faure (AMCAD Engineering)
Dr. Arnaud Delias and Dr. Maxime Faure delivered labs on [...]
Dr. Aurélien Périgaud (Xlim-CNRS) taught a series of labs in computer-aided design (CAD)
In the frame of the Edition 1 – first semester at the University [...]
Seminar «Microwaves at CISTEME in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and France» by Dr. Emmanuelle Perrin
Dr. Emmanuelle Perrin dlivered a seminar on Friday 15 December [...]
Seminar « From passive systems to high power microwave tubes » by Dr. Johan Sence (Thales
Dr. Johan Sence (Thales, France) delivered a seminar s on Friday [...]
Seminar « Paylod Architect for Space-based Solutions » by Dr. Etienne Laplanche (Thales Alenia Space)
Dr. Etienne Laplanche (Thales Alenia Space, France) delivered an [...]
Dr. Dominique PAGNOUX (Xlim – CNRS) taught a series of lectures on guided light waves
In the frame of the Edition 1 – first semester, Dr. [...]
Seminar « Thermal Energy Harvesting Systems: Design, Challenges and Opportunities » by Prof. André Pereira (Porto University)
Prof. André Pereira (Physics and Astronomy Department, Faculty of [...]
Seminar « Machine Learning Engineering by Dr. Jérémy Saucourt (Xlim Research Institute)
Dr. Jéremy Saucourt (Xlim Research Institute, France) delivered a [...]
Seminar « An Overview of the photonics industry » By Dr. Sébastien Vergnole (Alphanov)
Dr. Sébastien Vergnole (Alphanov, France) held a seminar entitled [...]
Seminar « Nonlinear biophotonics using a supercontinuum light source » by Prof. Hideaki Kano (Kyushu University)
Edition 1 – Semester 1. Hideaki Kano, professor at the [...]